Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life Update

I have not had a chance to post an update lately because things have been a little crazy. I like to post funny, lighthearted stories, but that has not been my life the past few weeks. Here is a glimpse of what has been going on:

My uncle Larry had a heart attack. Mom and I went to Winston Salem and spent the night with Aunt Linda in Forsyth Medical Center because things were touch and go for a while. Larry had a bad heart attack, had stints put in, then kept having serious chest pain. They finally diagnosed him with inflammation around the heart and once they got him on the appropriate meds, he began to improve quickly. Please continue to pray for him - he has to have an additional surgery in about two weeks.

On my paternal side of the family: My cousin Denice passed away in Aberdeen, MD. She was in her early 40's. She was a Special Olympain (swimming and bowling). She had many health problems throughout her brief life. My Aunt Laura dedicated her life to taking care of Denice and I know that her heart is breaking. Aunt Laura is a super woman and an inspiration to all mothers. I did not attend any of the services for Denice, I am sad to say.

We also had another death on this side of the family - my Aunt Donna Rickman passed away this week after having a massive stroke. We called her Donnie Wampler as kids - I have asked many times why we called her Wampler and no one could ever tell me. Probably something that one of us kids made up. She was married many years ago, divorced and never had any kids. It was really sad at the funeral home at first - only about five people there and three flowers. Finally other family members started coming in and there was a small crowd.

I am sure that there are other family's out there like mine - the only time we are together anymore is during a tragedy. It is really sad that we do not see each other more than that. At the hospital, I got to see aunts, uncles and cousins that I had not seen in a few months. At the funeral home, I saw family members that I had not seen in YEARS, and most of us live in the same town. My mom's family is really close and I am thankful for that.

Hopefully the next post will be happy, filled with funny stories and good news.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Picnic at Nay's

Mom had friends from church and family over on Saturday night for a picnic. We had a great time eating, playing badminton, eating, hitting golf balls, eating and well, eating. Here are a few pictures she took of the fun.

This is Ethan, my sister in law's nephew. He is so cute.

Here is Brady and Brenner, his friend from church.

This is Brylee (Brenner's sister) holding Caleb (Ethan's brother).

Jaime and Matt (Brenner & Brylee's parents).

Heather & Jimmy (my sister in law and brother).

Funny Face

I thought I would share a few photos that Mom had taken of Brady last week when he spent an afternoon with her. She asked him to make a few faces at her and boy did he ever! I must say that he really looks like his father in these!

The last one was Mom's favorite. Yes, he is quite a character.
On another note, I pulled a white hair out from Brady's head one day last week. He is only 3 and already as a white hair!! Charlie had a lot of gray in his hair when I met him - he was 19 then. Just another way that Brady is like Charlie. At least he has my eyes and sweet personality! (Here is where you laugh hysterically about the personality comment.)

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Tiger" Roberts?

Sunday afternoon Brady and I went to Mom's house for a visit. She bought him a set of golf clubs before he could hold them and he is just now getting the hand of using them. He understands that he has to concentrate and keep his eye on the ball to hit it. I was actually very surprised at how well and how far he can hit the ball! Brady and Pop had spent an afternoon together a few weeks ago in the back yard talking golf - and Brady really paid attention! The only real challenge of the evening was keeping Clooney and Ditto away from the balls. Brady would hit them and they would chase them. You can see Clooney in one of the photos studying Brady's swing!

Teeing up.....

Clooney the caddy.

Studying the shot.

Whatta Swing!

Charlie's new deck steps

I thought that I would take this opportunity to show off Charlie's new pride and joy - the steps to our back deck. When we moved here last year, the deck was totally enclosed and did not have a set of steps leading down to the yard. Charlie extended the deck by five feet then built the steps down to a landing of brick pavers. He is quite talented with woodworking, but did have help from Danny and Ed. We learned a long time ago that if I am asked to help, he just ends up getting irritated with me because I don't know what I am doing!